Personagens interpretados pela atriz Erica Durance

  1. Tara Knowles (The Untold)
  2. Maddy O'Donnel (Gramercy Park)
  3. Johanna (House of the Dead)
  4. Kara Jensen (Devil Winds)
  5. Amy (The Bridge)
  6. Carina (Stranded)
  7. Julie Miller (The Butterfly Effect 2)
  8. sabelle Darden (I Me Wed)
  9. Megan Washington (Final Verdict)
  10. Maid Marian (Robin Hood)
  11. Lois Lane (Smallville)
multiverso/erica_durance.txt · Última modificação: 18/11/2014 00:01 por Carlisson Galdino
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